2014. február 7., péntek

My Veronique Enginger-Designed Projects in 2013

Hi everyone! I'm new here from Singapore.I'm a big fan of Veronique Enginger. It's really great to see here so many stitchers share a common interest. And you guys works are really beautiful!

Here is some Veronique Enginger designed projects I stitched last year.Not all of them are flower subject. I hope you like them.


I made an ornament with the remaining threads.
Pattern from DFEA 11

for more pictures you can see them in my blog.

Two small projects from "Mode d'hier et d'aujourd'hui au point de Croix".
"Vacances au soleil"Holiday in the Sun

"Étoile montante" Rising Star

These two are to be made into cartonnage.

Thimble from DFEA No.11

"quatre heures" 4 o'clock in the afternoon from Douceurs & gourmandises


"Sir Hautbois" from Creation Point de Croix No.27 I framed it with the book "Touching the Void"

That's all. Hope you enjoyed!

6 megjegyzés:

N. Adri írta...

Beautiful works! :-)

agnesordog írta...

Your works are wonderful !
Congrats :-)

Rita írta...

Thanks for joining us! Beautiful stiching and finishes!

Unknown írta...

Lélegzetelállítóak ezek a munkák így csokorban!

Emese írta...

They are all so wonderful! Happy you found us and joined : )

Anyinyóka írta...

This works are really beautiful!